tisdag 3 maj 2011

confessions I'm speaking the truth

mitt huvud gör ont. Ther was a space of unembellished paint on the tram.. In my eyes it looks like a Japanese girl standing waiting watching the water. Anyway have been a bit home sick I recon, but shame the one how gives up. I know how it will go if I come back home, it will take me 3 weeks then il be of somewhere in Europe to escape whatever... Hade a good chat with my housemates and they bought me extra c vitamin so I will keep my mood up. My boss do healing on people, and she is taking better care of me then u ever could imagine. sounds a bit out ther but she is very open minded and she sees if anyone is a bit low, sad, tired so I'm going to give the healing a chance. Its basically that she puts her hands on my energy levels in my body, and take out the bad energy. Dannie is here now, we are going to the zoo tomorrow, and then all of us making a Swedish dinner at my place, can't wait for it. have to get some sleep now have to work some extra hrs early mornin because ther is so much to do. miss my sister a bit to much think that is one of the reasons I have been so sad. love kiss midnight
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