I love my imaginations, when everything feels a bit sad. Im happy I have a colurful mind becaus thats what I get around the corner

I know
weeks have past and Im slow with my updates. Anyway has been a lot of work and a lot of sightsing.
The zooo with dannie:)
They are so serious both of them, jet only one of them are behind bars.
som art galleries ofcours, Steves daughter had her birthday so we have been having nice dinner partys. Ther is a swedish curch just 5 min walk from wher I live so I went down ther an made salmon, potato, dill, janssonsfrästelse, knäckebröd, meatballs and more hihi rubarber pie for dessert.

swedis house maffia:D
Jag fick en puss för jag uppträdde väl
We have been out at lucky cock eating piza and playing biljard.
Me Im allways going with my f- emotions... Stayed at home first because my boddy refused to move, I was just siting in my bed for a long time before I could manege my self to get out and meet up with the others..
A I hate when it happens cant control my boddy sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

I love those to persons they are gooood!!
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