måndag 30 maj 2011

Talking with pigeons

Im just sitting in my bed painting att the moment, dont know wher it is going to end upp, kind of faling a sleep in my drawing books at the moment..
Annyway its a good thing that i paint.

So im going to start with telling you a wierd storry.

Sunday I woke up in my own room witch is usually not the case, because I cant sleep alone and either can Shelley so we still share bedroom even do we have our own. Like the painting i made above we are soul sisters;) Annyway we wher out the night before and I just got a wierd feeling of an anxeity attack so I hade to jump in a cab and go home. More about sunday soon..

Anyway Shell got a call from Barbra our boss she asked if we wanted to join to the bath house and then have lunch in st killda. Normaly I would love to but I just did not feel comfortable around people so we decided not to go. Barbra anyway promissed to send me some healing and toold me to be still in bed.

Keep Reading!!!!

So today I went to work.. Wierdly in the sun outside the door ther was a pigeon siting looking waiting for me. Not a normall one a beautiful one.
Wierd as I am I sat down started talking with it taking photos..

Locking up the shop, and as soon as I got inside the pigeon was gone.
A bit later Barbra come´s down to the shop she tells me she sended me healing but the only thing she saw was me with my long hair having a Big Star on my forehead.
I told here about the pigeon outside and that even do it was beautiful it reminded me of death and that what was I was thinking about.
She left and I started thinking about the star, that i dont know what it meens. And it hit me yesterday when it apeard was the day I was supose to fly home for my Sister exam.
Now Stella means STAR and obviously i have here in my mind a lot. In my subconscious im clearly thinking and feeling woried that im not coming home to see here. Barbra dont know my sisters name and have never even seen her..

Back to the pigeon I went upp to the office got back to the shop 2 hrs later and the pigeon is dead close outside the shop door.. Whether it was just the pigeon dying ore someone ellse, I do not know.

So annyway just hade a good weekend:D
Hade my day of this friday went out for a long walk meet up with Gulio. Him and the other Italian boys I got good friends with in Mararet River are leaving anny day soon, that a bit sad.

Wee Made sushi ore Steve did the difficult stuff, went sooo good!! Then I figured out how the guy that painted Skriet got up with the idee.. He was basicly looking at him self in the spoon, ( AS YOU DO ) and gues what i saw him self with a scarry face!!!

So a lot of good dinner this weekend and Friday we went out with Georgi from work, really nice girl with a lot of the goood brain ;)

Wook up not to hangover on Sunday lazy as hell spended hours in bed watching movies..

Old school movies that we finded on the street??? no

Now i feel like it is bed time

kisses and a lot of Kärlek till min vackra syster som jag saknar jämt.

söndag 22 maj 2011

Well I built us a flying machine. And we'll go where you want, and we'll sail the seven seas I hope all is well in disas dreams

Well I built us a flying machine.

And we'll go where you want

and we'll sail the seven seas

I hope all is well in daisys dreams.

old photos random from beautiful memories, tiny moments.

I know dose not make sense. I slept till 2 yesterday was so tired. did not feel like getting upp from bed at all, eventually I went down to the village to by thinks so I could make a cake for Barbra.

anyway went back to my bed watched a movie, and looked at old photos.

I realized that ther is 3 type of people, al with different kind of purpose.

Ther is people that you meet for a day, they sweeps in, make u realize thinks. Ther fulfillment Is yours to choose if you want to see.

Then all the people that are in your life for a period of time. How is ther to affect, judge and live the moments with you when you actually can see them.

And then ther are those few rare people that will always be ther, in everything you choose, un everything you do. Never really leavs, even do the moment past.

Eighter way the moment, people in that moment is only once...
you can never get it back again.

This made my very sad.

Its not that I'm sad because of the fact that people die, because everybody do when ther is ther time.
Is just that I fell sad when I know ther is so much people I never will meet.
And its almost like I don't want to have moments because I can never be in them again.

Shelly comforts me, and I just cry like a a baby. its part of that Danielle is leaving..
Anyway again I started thinking I was Tinker bell and how I wish I was vague air, floating around, now, then, before, forever just hanging ther in mid-air.

So then give me a time-machine ore the seven seas.
And a lot of te...
have to get some work done
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lördag 14 maj 2011

Your Imaginations Is your preview of life´s coming attractions

Your Imaginations Is your preview of life´s coming attractions

I love my imaginations, when everything feels a bit sad. Im happy I have a colurful mind becaus thats what I get around the corner

I know
weeks have past and Im slow with my updates. Anyway has been a lot of work and a lot of sightsing.

The zooo with dannie:)

They are so serious both of them, jet only one of them are behind bars.

som art galleries ofcours, Steves daughter had her birthday so we have been having nice dinner partys. Ther is a swedish curch just 5 min walk from wher I live so I went down ther an made salmon, potato, dill, janssonsfrästelse, knäckebröd, meatballs and more hihi rubarber pie for dessert.

swedis house maffia:D

Jag fick en puss för jag uppträdde väl

We have been out at lucky cock eating piza and playing biljard.

Me Im allways going with my f- emotions... Stayed at home first because my boddy refused to move, I was just siting in my bed for a long time before I could manege my self to get out and meet up with the others..
A I hate when it happens cant control my boddy sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

I love those to persons they are gooood!!

tisdag 3 maj 2011

confessions I'm speaking the truth

mitt huvud gör ont. Ther was a space of unembellished paint on the tram.. In my eyes it looks like a Japanese girl standing waiting watching the water. Anyway have been a bit home sick I recon, but shame the one how gives up. I know how it will go if I come back home, it will take me 3 weeks then il be of somewhere in Europe to escape whatever... Hade a good chat with my housemates and they bought me extra c vitamin so I will keep my mood up. My boss do healing on people, and she is taking better care of me then u ever could imagine. sounds a bit out ther but she is very open minded and she sees if anyone is a bit low, sad, tired so I'm going to give the healing a chance. Its basically that she puts her hands on my energy levels in my body, and take out the bad energy. Dannie is here now, we are going to the zoo tomorrow, and then all of us making a Swedish dinner at my place, can't wait for it. have to get some sleep now have to work some extra hrs early mornin because ther is so much to do. miss my sister a bit to much think that is one of the reasons I have been so sad. love kiss midnight
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