Its been Kane´s birthday. Im so cunfused by all photos in my camera, seams like people at some point hade a fight with a sausageroll... anyway wierd things can hapen. Otherwise lif is allrigh..t
And I think kane is fine after his big weekend even do u can wonder how he actually are feeling when u look at him hahaha
Because Im soo Normal...
So this weekend is just a big ? mark, dont feel like i need to explain anything.
Last weekend me and Sam went for a drive. its nice I allways find myself take miljons of photos of the sky.. It has healing power and im sure that those tree cows meen good luck..
Some things has been a bit difficult reasonly and I dont have anyboody I can talk with it about. Manly becaus if I say it in english its just going to get complicated to explain what it is tahat im feeling and meaning. The other thing is that when im speeking english its wierd for me to actually here my own voice as true. All this because of my vocabulary. Anyway its nobody that will understand it and it stresses me moor then ever. The worst is that it maks me a bit numb and paralyzed to not be able to explain it so some one will understand,.... Anyway fuck it no It got way to much but I needed to say it... Anyway ther will be som light in thet matter sooon
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