It makes me happy:)
I have nothing to say as usually was just thinking it could be nice for you at home with some photos.
We went fishing.
Or the guys was fishing I just tryed to get a tan..
Its summer now this weekend it going to be 30 and sunny we are going down to the beach
Onother friend from stockholm has moved here. Or we never really know eachother that well but its much appriciated to hang out now.
Went with Sam and Ben they wher surfing I figured i could just sit on the beach in the sun ... HAHA I ended up sitting in the car in the rain picking on my brooken ends on my hair..
We went to some festival thing a couple of weeks ago:) Cant wait till im rich and can go to all festivals in the world.
Im just about to go to woork have no energy at all, I know thats a usual thing to say but I just wish some days did not exist.
I got all my papper sent from Oslo Uneversety so mum and stella u dont need to find my pappers. I just need to get my application done as soon as possible so I can saty in this damn country. Hopfully this school is on csn list so I dont do this thing and it dose not work I really cant be f... to do it all again. Maybe im lazy.