Picknicking in St Killda
Jag har vart på Ikea handlat Svenska mat..
I have been to Ikea, and I bought swedish food
Kaviar knäckebröd älg pasta och riktigt kaffe vart det:D
Han förbi lite skit affärer på vägen haha de jag åkte med plojade runt som barn haha
Hade the time to go to some shit stores as well the people that i went with where playing like children hehe but ther sweet anyway. The Blond Girl is Lola and at the mioment Im leving with here:D
Love the burning colour in every alley, gives me a bit of night drama
Me and Danielle went for dinner with Erin that I meet in Margaret river. The other girl is here friend, here name is Erin as well hih The place called the Veggi Bar is a completely lovely vegetarian resturant.
Otherwise u know how it is... Its been a long weekend and no work this monday so we went out a lot.. I love my pretty girls and I love to Dance!! We went to one six one The night cat and the after party of Future music festival.
Me Danielle and specally Shelley knows how to dance but we need a break we to, today we have been Starbucksing and exhibitionar-yng a bit hehe
And a very exciting thing happend to me;) But thats enough for today..